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All Hands In

Marketing Week

One of our oldest traditions is our club's annual Marketing Week! We host an entire week of events for members to get acquainted with each other as well as hear valuable insight from professional speakers and community leaders. Each member of our E-board plans and leads their own event that corresponds with their strengths and interests in the club. They get to practice their leadership skills in a creative way that is unique to them. This year our VP of Programs, Daniella Loppiccalo, kicked things off with a Nacho Bar Case Competition Mixer for our Case Competition team! On Tuesday we had an alumni speaker come chat with us about life after college, and another speaker from the GSRC gave a talk about Professional Allyship. Both were wonderful! All AMA members enjoyed a free dinner, attended a vision board workshop, a Linked In workshop, and before we locked up shop, we had the photography club on campus help us out with some professional headshots for each member to use on their personal websites. They turned out great! Thanks to all who contributed to the planning and execution of a very successful marketing week. We were very glad to welcome so many new faces to the club and look forward to next semesters festivities! 

Presenting our Fall 2023 Marketing Week events! 


Last Updated: November 20th, 2023


© SUNY OnMark 2023


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SUNY Oneonta

108 Ravine Pkwy

Oneonta, NY 13820

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